Although I don’t usually reblog this is so appropriate to Ray and my experience with his injury that I wanted to take the opportunity to say – “God never left and He still does miracles.”

celtic straits

(Updates follow article)

Four years ago today, I posted a blog about my emergency room “miracle experience” after the Aurora Theater shooting. The post went viral, and created some controversy. Does God really do miracles? Why for one person and not another? Does a good God even exist?

I don’t claim to have all the answers. But I saw the miracle with my own eyes. Thank you to those who have asked me to repost this story for a reminder: God is still at work.

July 23, 2012

At Columbine High School, I have seen this before. But not up close.  As a church pastor in Denver, I have worked as a chaplain alongside several police and fire departments. I was privileged to counsel parents just hours after the Columbine shootings. However, in this new tragedy at the Aurora Theater Dark Night shooting, one of the victims was a 22-year-old…

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2 thoughts on “

  1. Wow!! What a powerful message and wonderful miracle!!! To God Be The Glory!! Thank you for posting. Definitely a story of inspiration..Many, many blessings to you…Robin


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