Search Me

bible-1089930__180Search me, O God, and know my heart;  test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive (wicked) way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.   Psalm 139:23-24

When was the last time you dedicated time to searching your heart for offense and wickedness?  What would happen if we were to do that on a regular basis?   If you’re ready to do a little (a lot of) soul searching read on.

Many times our anxious thoughts come from an unforgiving heart.  If we are refusing to forgive, for any reason, that is offensive to God.

bible-216962__180For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.  Matthew 6:14-15

Did you notice verse 15.  If I (you) do not forgive others He will not forgive me (you). Those are powerful words.  I can’t bear the thought of not being forgiven, can you?

Are there situations and issues in your life that you think are unfair and you are unwilling to forgive those who have harmed you?  Of course, there are.  Everyone has them.  There are people and actions that seem, or really are, unfair and out of our control at the time they happen.  What should we be doing about that?  Let God have total control of all that happens to us, against, for us, without us…   Give it to God!   Ask Him to make you totally aware of any anger, bitterness, resentment, or envy you are harboring against anyone.  Only when the burden is given to Him can we move forward and forgive.

bible-102684_960_720Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit in me.  Psalm 51:10

Blessings to you and yours!



10 thoughts on “Search Me

  1. Beautiful words of truth, Marie. Forgiveness is the easy part sometimes…it’s the healing from the pain that’s hard (for me). God is so good to offer us forgiveness, for I know I’m not deserving outside of Him. Thank you, Jesus. ((xoxo))


    • I know what you’re saying. The healing is the hardest part. I’ve learned to let God do His job. Still very hard to take myself out of the fray but certainly worth it.


  2. This is so true. We can ask God to help us search our hearts and see where we need to forgive. Sometimes, on our own, we’re not even aware of the bitterness that we’re carrying.
    Thank you for linking with Grace and Truth last week.


  3. Wise words. In the end, we need to surrender to God whatever it is we cannot or have a hard time handling. Like fear, resentment, or hurt.


  4. Thank you for insights and questions that bring home a few issues. When I think I hold nothing such as this, God reminds me that there is. When I hold much and know it, He reminds me that He is with me and we will walk through this together. I am grateful.


  5. Sometimes it is hard to face what the Lord is showing you, but I sure want His forgiveness and a clean heart. I am learning to do this on a regular basis. Thank you for writing such truth that we need to face in order to move forward with God.


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