My God Is With Me All The Time

Romans 8:31  If God is for us who can be against us.

Lately I’ve been thinking about God’s nearness a lot and remembering the many times and places He has made His presence known to me…

I’ve seen Him in the mountains at sunrise when the mist is rising, the moose is bugling mountainin the distance, and the birds are singing their beautiful morning symphony.


oceanI’ve seen Him on the ocean while sitting on a balcony and watching the incredible blueness of the water and the flying fishing playing on the waves.  I’ve heard Him in the sound of the dolphins chattering in the dark of the evening.

I’ve seen Him in the ocean while snorkeling in the Caribbean.  The colors of the tropical snorkelingfish, the stingray stirring up the sand, and the small brown shark minding his own business, and the myriad of colors in the coral.

jesus_surgeonI’ve known his presence before and during surgery.  Only he could guide the hands of the surgeons so that all that was left of an 8 1/2 pound cancerous tumor is a nasty scar.


thCA8GZJYEI’ve known the calmness of His presence while waiting for 20 days for my Ray to wake from his Traumatic Brain Injury Coma.

blizzardI’ve seen the beauty of His creation in the more than 70 inches of snow we’ve had this year.


symphony-orchestra-183607_640I’ve heard him in the beauty of Beethovan, Brahms, Mozart and Dvorak Symphonies.

My Lord is with me all the time.  How about yours?