Living A Long, Strong Marriage


A couple of weeks ago our niece married her long-awaited prince in shining armor.  The one God had chosen for her before time began.  It was a beautiful wedding.  I thought back on it today as Ray and I celebrate our anniversary.

Being married is not the easiest thing you’ll attempt in life.  When you determine to walk with our Jesus during the years it makes the triumphs and the struggles much easier.  At the start of our marriage, though I truly believed in God, I hadn’t made Jesus my Personal Savior yet.  God’s plan was for Ray to lead me to this crucial decision.  Almost a year after we married I gave my life to Him.  I’ve never looked back.  He has led us through some amazing times both as a couple and as individuals.

With that thought in mind, I wanted them to know what I think leads to a long marriage.  Here are my words to them…

Abby and tyler

They chose these words to be read as part of the ceremony.


Psalm 1

Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.

Interesting choice, don’t you think?  I’m not sure why.  Perhaps, because they wanted to remind themselves that there really is a world out there that will mock and think up all kinds of wicked things…I don’t know.  Without question, though, if they are honoring our LORD and his law (word) their marriage will be a great one.

Blessings to you and yours!


6 thoughts on “Living A Long, Strong Marriage

    • I was pleasantly surprised when Abby and Tyler chose it. So many new couples choose traditional verses but they dug in and went with something new and different. Blessings to you and yours! Marie


  1. It’s always a lovely wedding when the couple puts our Lord at the top of their priorities! They’re sure to have wonderful memories of that day forever!


  2. Such beautiful words for a beautiful couple. As my husband and I are about to celebrate our 25th anniversary next month, your words ring true.


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