5-Sentence Friday

I’m trying something new.  One of the on-line gurus I follow (Ruth Soukup) commented in a recent blog post that she had read there should only be 5 sentences in an e-mail.  So my creative mind went to work and came up with an idea.  Why not write a Friday blog that will have only 5 sentences.  I’ll choose a Bible verse each Friday and give you 5 sentences with my personal thoughts on it.  Here goes…

But whoever keeps His Word, truly in him the love of God is perfected.  1 John 2:5

To keep His Word we have to know it.

Although I can’t be perfect God’s love is.

Keeping His Word is a daily process of reading it, studying it, and thinking about it.

I am more aware of what God wants me to do in life situations when I can apply His words to them.

God’s perfect love, perfected in me and shining through me, will draw others to Him.

And that my friends is 5-Sentence Friday # 1.  What do you think?  Is it a keeper?  What does the verse I chose mean to you?1

Blessings to you and yours!
