Sunday Psalms 4

Psalm 4

Righteous GOD, answer my prayer. You have made me right in Your eyes. You have calmed my fears. Forgive me and hear my prayer.

Why do so many hate me? Why do they continue to listen to the lies and dishonesty of the know-it-alls?

GOD knows His children! GOD hears when we call!

Do not sin because you are angry. Think it through, pray about it, and don’t say what you are thinking. Ask for forgiveness and simply trust Him to do what needs to be done.

Selah! (Amen and yes!)

Thank You for the joy You have given in all You have provided. Shine Your goodness on us!

I will sleep in peace, knowing that You are protecting me.

Sunday Psalms are the Psalms in my own words.  You can click on the Psalm number at the top to read it from the NIV Bible.


What is peace?

Where do we find peace in a world full of anxiety, frustration, and chaos?

We must fix our minds, our hearts, and our thoughts on Jesus and not on ourselves. We must determine to trust Him in all the twists and turns of our lives. We must know His Word and use it in every situation this world throws at us.

The kind of peace God offers passes all understanding. All our stresses and worries stop consuming us when we trust Him. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” In other words, quit trying to work it out yourself. Give it all to God. I guarantee He knows what He’s doing!

Abba, Father, help us trust in You and focus totally on You. Thank You for the gift of peace.

Winter’s Stillness

Winter is my favorite season. Especially the snow days.

For me it’s a time of waiting. A time for simply looking out my window and seeing my God. The whiteness reminds me of purity and peace. Stillness prevails. My mind is quieted.

Abba, Father, thank You for the reminder that You are always present. That You hear me. That You love me.

Blessings to you and yours!


Why God?

I’m thinking of a song that goes like this…

Where do I go when there’s nobody else to turn to?
Who do I talk to when nobody wants to listen?
Who do I lean on when there’s no foundation stable?

Of course, the next line is – I go to the Rock. When Whitney Houston wrote this song she knew where to take every problem and frustration of our lives.

When we are having problems with the whys of life, with the endless irritations and annoyances God says, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest..” (Matthew 11:28) He knows that this life is hard. He knows we don’t have the answers. But, He also knows our hearts. He can and will answer when we go to Him.

I have a comfy chair in my office where I read His Word and contemplate each morning. There is a window from which I can see His beautiful creation. I look out at the beauty of His creation, the blue sky, the trees and fields that are different each season, and I quiet my mind. I let His presence flow over me. Sometimes I read His Word. Sometimes I pray. Sometimes I focus on all He’s given and done for me.

In these times of blessed stillness and knowing the uncertainties, irritations, and annoyances disappear. I am at peace!

Blessings to you and yours!


This post is my response to Week 2 of 52-Week Devotional for Women by Deb Wolf.


New birth brings new life. Eternity is near me. Peace forevermore.

Come on over to the 5-Minute Friday Link Up

Blessings to you and yours!
